GoKickSales allows you to easily get paid from clients with the convenient Invoice Management feature.  You can also easily manage all invoices from a wide variety of customer accounts. The Invoice feature represents the total billing cycle management for your customers, sales, and product information in one month.  At month end or at your specific billing cycle, you simply check GoKickSales for Invoices which have been automatically generated according to your predefined settings.

The Invoice Management feature is accessible from the main interface of GoKickSales by clicking on “Invoices widget”.

Once you click on the widget, you can access the complete billing cycle for your customer base as well as view sales and product information.  Invoices are automatically generated according to settings you customize. Additionally, you can keep track of all taxes, create new invoices, add new products, and view all products and invoices from the Invoice Management interface.

The Invoices feature in GoKickSales integrates with other modules such as the Leads feature where you created business Leads, the Contacts function where you setup contacts and related information, and other GoKickSales modules where you configured records and information.

Before creating an invoice for a customer you should define a few fields: