After Creating or adding new product, if you wish to view the list of entire products available in GoKickSales, then click on “All Products” Option available at the left hand panel of Invoice interface.

Add new product option

After clicking, you get the list of all products available with some of their details. The details include:- Title of the product, price of the product, date at which the product is created and some description about the product.

All products

Edit Product

From the entire list of products, if you wish to edit any particular product then click on edit icon available at right hand corner of each and every product.

edit iconWhen you click on this icon, a new page appears that facilitate you to edit the details of the product you have selected. Just edit the details and click on “Submit” button to update the new details.


 Delete Product

To delete any product from the list of products, then click on the delete icon available next to the edit icon.

Delete iconWhen you click on this icon, an alert comes to your screen. If you really wish to delete the product then click on “OK” button else click on “Cancel ” button.