Create New Task

A specific task can be created within a Lead and it can be assigned to the respective team member and user. All tasks can be searched according to its Subject, Status and Date. The Task Management feature is located under the Task on the top toolbar of the GoKickSales Home page. Below you can see the […]

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Create Recurring Activities

An activity can be repeated by using the recurring option while creating tasks. In the Lead module, click on New Task. In the Create Task window, specify the activity-related details. Select the Recurring Activity check box and do the following: 1.  Specify the Start Date and End Date for the activity to be repeated. 2.  Specify the […]

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Set Reminder

When creating a task in GoKickSales you can set a reminder for the specific task. There are two options for reminders: 1. Alert through Email: On selecting this option you can receive reminders for your tasks through email. 2. Alert through Pop-Up: On selecting this option you can receive pop up reminders for your tasks. […]

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Create & Assign Task for Lead

You can describe the Task according to its purpose. 1.  Select Subject of the Task Accordingly 2.  Manage Lead Status 3.  Define the Task Timeline 4.  Prioritize Your Task 5.  Define the Type of Task 6.  Assign The Task to the Team and Simultaneously to the Team Member 7.  Send Reminder to the Assigned User […]

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