Create New Opportunity

Opportunities are business deals with companies or people that generate real revenue for your organization. It is essential to deal with the fruitful customers having high potential of closing a deal. If these kinds of prospects are not being taken care properly then there is vast chance of losing significant deal. Opportunity management is the process […]

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Manage All Opportunities

After creating the opportunity, if you wish to view the entire opportunities available in GoKickSales, then click on “All Opportunities” available at left panel of Opportunity interface. When you click on this option, a list of all Opportunities appear on your screen with their name, Opportunity name, Campaign, Stage, Name of the person to whom […]

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Opportunity Details

Other than to view the list of all Opportunities, if you wish to view the details of any particular Opportunity, then simply click on the name of Opportunity from the list. After clicking, the detail page of the Opportunity will appear on your screen. The Opportunity Module Can Be Managed with the Following Parameters: You […]

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