Create New User

GoKickSales provides a User Manager feature which provides a way to easily organize tasks for your workforce.  The User Manager is designed to create multiple users and organize them according to department as well as assign tasks to each user.  The search features provides a way to quickly locate specific users and view active and […]

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Manage All Users

After saving or adding the user, if you wish to view the entire users available in GoKickSales, then click on “All Users” Option available in the left panel. Search a Particular User After clicking, a list of all users appear on your screen which some details. From the entire list of users, if you wish […]

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Track User

In addition to edit or delete user, if you want to keep track of the user means you want to track the location of the user, then click on track icon located at right hand corner of each and every user. This feature helps you to track and identify the actual location of the user on […]

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Set Access Level of User

If you want to set some access levels for the user means you want that the users can only access the features or modules that you give permission to them, then click on “Set Access” option available at the right hand corner of each user in the list of all users. When you click on […]

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Active & Inactive Users

Active Users In GoKickSales, if you wish to view the list of only users that are active, then click on “Active Users” Option available at the left panel of User Manager Interface. When you click on this option, you get the list of all active users with their details that include: – Name of the […]

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