Create New Role

The Role Manager in GoKickSales provides an easy way to assign different roles to team members and include a description of responsibility. You can configure different roles for each team member & define goal which is to be attained for each responsibility.

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Manage All Roles

Once you add role, if you wish to view the entire roles available in GoKickSales, then click on “All Roles” option. When you click on “All Roles” option, you get a list of all roles available in the system with some details that include title of the role, description of that role, date at which […]

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Set Access Level of Role

If you want to set some access levels for the role means you want that the users of any particular role can only access the features or modules that you give permission to them, then click on “Set Access” option available at the right hand corner of each user in the list of all users. […]

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