Create New Account

GoKickSales provides an easy to access Accounts Management feature which provides tools for creating accounts, managing multiple opportunities for the same client, and converting Leads to an account. The Accounts Management widget is located on the GoKickSales main interface and can be accessed by clicking on the widget labeled Accounts. An Account represents an Individual, […]

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Manage All Accounts

After creating or adding the Account, if you wish to view the list of all Accounts available in GoKickSales, then click on “All Accounts” Option available at the left panel of Account Interface. After clicking, a list of all Accounts appear on your screen with their details that include:- Account code, Name of the Account, […]

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Account Details

The Accounts Management feature provides a way to easily manage accounts from All Accounts interface. The interface is easily accessible by clicking on All Accounts on left hand side of Accounts Management screen. Once you have accessed All Accounts screen, you can view, edit, search, and update specific accounts by using the Search and Edit […]

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