After you login to GoKickSales successfully you will be automatically directed to the Home page. On the Home page you will get to see a brief of all the modules covered by us which are essentially required to efficiently manage your CRM tasks. Each module can be accessed by selecting the desired module with a single click.

Once you click on the module you will be directly routed to the appropriate module page. This interface shows in a nutshell how you can integrate your organization workflow with the GoKickSales modules.

Home page

Top Bar

The toolbar located on the top of the GoKickSales interface serves as the direct access point of GoKickSales through which select module of your choice at any point of time.

Top bar


Side Bar

Side barThe toolbar located on the left hand side of the GoKickSales interface enables you to create, search, and view Leads in various criteria such as last visited Leads, all Leads, today’s generated Lead, User personal Leads, in addition to providing a way to import your Leads directly.  From here you have a quick link for My Leads as well as search Lead and search a specific Lead. The side bar also provides a quick link to create a Lead or Import Existing Lead from CSV file.