Once you add field, if you wish to view the entire fields available in GoKickSales, then the list will appear in the bottom of the page.

A list of all roles available with some details that Name of the field, code of the field, type of the field, Options and status of the field and modules for which the field is created.

Custom fields

Edit Field

If you want to edit the details of the field, then click on edit icon, available at right hand corner of every role.

Edit iconWhen you click on this icon, a page appears that facilitate you to edit the title and description of the role. After editing, click on “Save role” button to update the details of the role in GoKickSales.


Delete Field

Other than to edit the details of role, if you wish to delete any role from the list of roles then click on the delete icon.

Delete iconWhen you click on the icon, a pop up appears that ask you “do you really want to delete?”, if yes, then click “OK” else click on “Cancel button.