After creating a call script, if you wish to view the list of entire call scripts available in GoKickSales, then click on “All Call Scripts” option available at left hand corner of call script interface.

All call scripts option

When you click on this icon, a list of all call scripts appear on your screen with some details that include: – Title of the call script, campaign, business unit, status and date at which the call script is created in GoKickSales.

Call scripts

Make Call Script Inactive

From the list of call scripts, if you wish to make any particular call script inactive, then click on the below icon.

Inactive iconWhen you click on the icon, the status of the call script will be changed from ‘active’ to ‘inactive’ instantly.


Call script inactive

Edit Call Script

If you wish to view the details of any particular call script, then click on the edit icon located at right hand corner of each and every call script.

Edit iconWhen you click on this icon, a new page appears that enable you to edit the details of the call script. After editing, click on “Submit” button to update the new details of the call script in GoKickSales.

Delete Call Script

Other than editing, if you wish to delete any call script from the list of scripts, then click on delete call script icon, located at right hand corner of each and every call script.

Delete iconWhen you click on this icon, an alerts comes to your screen. If you really wish to delete the call script, then click on “OK” button else click on “Cancel” button.

Make a Copy

From the list, if you wish to make a copy of any particular call script, then click on “Make a copy” option available next to delete call script icon.

Make a copyWhen you click on this option the copy of the call script is created in the system right away.


Copy created