GoKickSales is equipped with a Leads Management feature which provides tools for organizing and managing Leads, related tasks cases, emails, documents, and much more.

A Lead represents person of entity who showed some interest in your product or services and have the potential to convert as your customer. In short, Lead is a prospect or potential Opportunity. The Lead section of GoKickSales helps you to manage all your Leads generated by any of the users associated with your organization.

Create New Lead

To create a new Lead in the system, click on “Create New Lead” Option available in the drop-down list of the Leads Section.

Create New Lead

When you click on this option, a new page comes to your screen that facilitate you in creating a new Lead. You just have to add some details that include:-

 Lead Overview

1.     Select the business unit of the Lead
2.     Select the source of Lead, means from which source you get this particular Lead
3.     Select the call script you want to apply on the Lead
4.     Select the campaign for the Lead
5.     Select the team who are going to manage this Lead
6.     Select the person who is responsible for all the activities or follow-ups for the Lead
7.     Select the status of the Lead
8.     Add some description for the Lead

Lead Information

After adding the overview of the Lead, now you can add the personal information of the Lead that include:-

1.     Enter first & last name of the Lead.
2.     Enter contact number of the Lead (Home, Office & Mobile)
3.     Enter the email id, fax, website & company, country, state, city and postal code of the Lead
4.     If the Lead is interested in IT Sector, then tick mark on “Yes”, if not interested then tick mark on “No” and if not yet consulted, then tick mark on “not yet” option
5.     Select the date

Create New Lead Page

After adding all the essential details, click on:-

Save Lead


Save button– To save the new Lead in GoKickSales
Save & New button– To save the new Lead and again create a new Lead after saving
Cancel button– To cancel and exit from the Lead page